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Spokane Urology

Urologists located in Spokane, WA & Spokane Valley, WA

Prostatitis — which often leads to burning while urinating and increased urinary urgency — accounts for roughly 25% of all office visits by young and middle-aged men. Because prostatitis leads to problems involving your genital and urinary systems, the expert urologists at Spokane Urology provide personalized, highly effective treatment plans. Book your prostatitis examination at this Spokane and Spokane Valley, Washington, urology practice by using the online tool, or you can call the office to speak with a team member directly.

Prostatitis Q&A

What is prostatitis?

Prostatitis is a common inflammatory prostate issue that affects men of all ages. Urologists break prostatitis down into four types:

Chronic prostatitis

The most common type of prostatitis — chronic prostatitis — leads to ongoing inflammation of your prostate, combined with chronic nerve irritation. This type of prostatitis stems from muscle or nerve problems, structural abnormalities, or another similar issue that isn’t an infection.

Chronic bacterial prostatitis

Chronic bacterial prostatitis is uncommon, but as the name implies, it’s linked to a bacterial infection, possibly due to a backflow of urine from an underlying defect. This type of prostatitis comes and goes.

Acute bacterial prostatitis

Acute bacterial prostatitis is a sudden, severe infection that can occur when urine flows backward. This allows bacterial invaders to reach your prostate.

Asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis

This type of prostatitis is neither an infection nor does it cause symptoms. Asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis is generally something your urologist diagnoses while checking for other problems.

What are the symptoms of prostatitis?

The symptoms you experience with prostatitis vary depending on your diagnosis. If your case of prostatitis isn't related to asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis, you may develop any of the following symptoms:

  • Tenderness in your genital area
  • Burning while urinating
  • Increased urination
  • Lower back pain
  • Chills and fever
  • Body aches

To diagnose prostatitis, your urologist at Spokane Urology conducts a comprehensive exam. They may gather a urine sample to check for white blood cells and bacteria in your urine — all signs of infection.

You may also need blood tests, a urine flow study, or a cystoscopy as part of your diagnostic testing. Once your urologist diagnoses you, they talk with you about which type of treatment you may need.

How does a urologist treat prostatitis?

Treatment for acute and chronic prostatitis often involves a course of antibiotics. To resolve chronic prostatitis, your urologist may recommend correcting the underlying defect before getting you started on antibiotics.

But if no bacterial infection is present, you’re going to need alternative solutions. In these cases, your urologist at Spokane Urology may recommend:

  • Biofeedback
  • Warm baths
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
  • Alpha blockers (to relax your prostate muscles)

You may also need to make certain dietary changes when you have prostatitis. Your dedicated urologist at Spokane Urology is likely going to encourage you to avoid spicy or acidic foods and limit your caffeine and alcohol intake to minimize prostatitis flare-ups.

Before prostatitis symptoms worsen any further, contact Spokane Urology for an evaluation. You can book an appointment online or by calling the office directly.